Farming Forecaster
What is Farming Forecaster?
Farming Forecaster is a decision support tool that helps producers assess current seasonal conditions and the likely range in pasture availability and livestock performance during the next 3-4 months.
What does Farming Forecaster provide?
Farming Forecaster provides three distinct feature sets. These include:
- Provide current weather conditions information, along with forecast conditions to help plan logistics around farming operations.
- Utilising historical weather data, generate potential pasture growth rates and quantities based on the current season’s conditions, allowing users to better understand the implications of stocking rates, or capitalise on market conditions early. (Selected sites only).
- Provide current & historical soil moisture conditions to gain a better understanding of crop and/or pasture soil moisture use, allowing landholders to plan for opportunistic cropping (summer cropping) and better manage groundcover.
Where are forecasts available?
Under the SCF Future Drought Fund project, 25 forecasting sites have been created within the Farming Forecaster platform for the Great Southern region of Western Australia.
- Five locations will have full weather forecasting, pasture forecasting and soil moisture monitoring capabilities. These sites are located in Gairdner, Gnowellen, Mount Barker, Palmdale & South Stirlings.
- An additional 20 locations throughout the Great Southern will have weather forecasting only, utilising current weather data generated from WA Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) weather stations & Stirlings to Coast Farmers weather stations, with all forecast information generated & provided by DTN.
These locations include Amelup, Cowalellup, Gairdner, Gnowangerup (Pallinup), Jerramungup, Jingalup, Katanning, Kendenup (East), Kendenup (West), Kojaneerup South, Manypeaks, Narrikup, Perillup, Quaeleup, South Stirlings, Stirlings North, Takalarup, Tenterden, Wellstead & Woogenellup (Stirlings South).
The Farming Forecaster grazing management tool
Via Local Land Services NSW
Making sense of the livestock data
Via Local Land Services NSW
Making sense of the probe data
Via Local Land Services NSW
Introduction to Farming Forecaster
Via Local Land Services NSW
Making sense of the pasture forecast
Via Local Land Services NSW
This project is jointly funded through Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and Stirlings to Coast Farmers.

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