by Future Drought Fund | 2 Oct 2022 | Bureau of Meteorology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Future Drought Fund, Tools
A tool to inform and build resilience The Drought Resilience Self-Assessment Tool (DR.SAT) is a free tool that enables farmers to assess their resilience against climate change including drought and other climate risks. Resilience assessments include financial,...
by Phil Honey | 2 Oct 2022 | Meat & Livestock Australia, Tools
This tool is designed to help you to plan your rotational grazing systems, determine appropriate stocking rates, calculate your pasture growth rates, determine how long your paddocks will last and calculate the most economical ration for your stock. You can now also...
by Phil Honey | 2 Oct 2022 | Cibo Labs, Meat & Livestock Australia, Tools
The Australian Feedbase Monitor is a world-first tool to help producers improve grazing management, forage budgeting and ground cover. The Australian Feedbase Monitor provides: access to farm-level rolling monthly pasture biomass estimates for every Livestock...
by Phil Honey | 2 Oct 2022 | Meat & Livestock Australia, Tools
The calculator has been designed to help you work out a paddock’s carrying capacity for either cattle or sheep. This means it has been developed to help you figure out how many days a paddock can be grazed by different classes, and different numbers of stock....
by Phil Honey | 1 Sep 2022 | Bureau of Meteorology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Tools
Combining historical, seasonal forecast and projected climate data The Climate Services for Agriculture (CSA) prototype helps Australian farmers to adapt to climate variability and related trends and thereby improving the viability of their businesses. The CSA...
by Phil Honey | 28 Aug 2022 | Grains Research and Development Corporation, Tools, University of Southern Queensland
Climate analysis for decision makers CliMate contains ten analyses delivered on: Web App, iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android devices. Each analysis interrogates long-term climate records to ask questions relating to rainfall, temperature, radiation, and derived...