You’ve heard of Good Friday and Easter Monday, well just before both, we introduce…..

—– 16th April 2025 —–
A day to check that piece of equipment that tells you when to seed your crop, lets you know it’s okay to spray and gives you the confidence to throw out a bit more fertiliser.
Be it a ‘fancy pants’ weather station or a humble rain-gauge, we encourage you to get on board and dedicate this #WebWednesday to cleaning out the cobwebs, calibrating, straightening or simply replacing your weather-station to give you the best data this year!
‘Web Wednesday’ emphasises the importance of ensuring weather stations and soil moisture probes are calibrated and maintained year-round.
“It’s not just about the installation, setting it up and forgetting about it; it’s about calibrating and maintaining these essential tools,” says SCF’s Smart Farms Coordinator, Phil Honey.
Whether you have a high-tech digital weather station or a simple rain gauge, this initiative emphasises the importance of accurate data for informed decision-making throughout the year.
Farmers rely on precise weather data for critical decisions related to seeding, spraying, livestock management, and other farm activities so it is essential that they receive reliable and accurate data from their equipment.
Check out the resources available and log your maintenance efforts below!
#WebWednesday 2025 - Time to check & clean your on-farm weather equipment!
Weather Station Maintenance Resources
View resources from a range of manufacturers on how to best maintain your stations.
Local Weather Information
View live weather conditions for weather-stations installed under this program.
AgTech Suppliers & Support
Your complete A-Z source on agricultural technologies, and how to best integrate them on farm for improved production and resilience.
Climate & Environmental Resources
Your complete A-Z source for locally and state-based focused climate resources.
Help take part in our #WebWednesday activities and log your support!
Help build our weather station maintenance map & report your findings.
Contact Us:
Stirlings to Coast Farmers inc.
75 Albany Highway,
Mount Melville, WA 6330
+61 (08) 9842 6653
This project is jointly funded through Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund and Stirlings to Coast Farmers.

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